Raw FAQs

We provide a raw transition guide with all of our starter packs. This is full of helpful tips and tricks to get your fur-baby converted!

A few important things to remember

  • It may take a while to transition. Most commercial cat foods are full of sugars and fillers, which are really addictive. We need them to kick the habit, so we have to persevere!
  • Cats don’t need to eat as much raw as they would a commercial food, as it’s all good stuff, meaning less waste!
  • Kittens up to 12 months (or 15 months for large breeds) should be allowed to free feed (eat as much as they’d like)

Our food is stored safely in the freezer for up to 6 months. Once opened, keep in the fridge for up to 4 days. 

Yes, you’ll be surprised! Big Bites is for cats & kittens over 12 weeks & those who prefer a chunkier texture. And Small Bites – for cats & kittens over 8 weeks, those starting their raw journey or those with dental issues. Both are complete and contain all the nutrients a cat needs. 

You don’t have to! Hear Me Raw food is complete, but some owners also choose to feed dry alongside. 

Raw feeding can be a brilliant diet for sensitive tummies, but you should always check with your vet first if your cat has a long term health problem. 

It is totally safe for cats to eat raw meat, its what they’re designed to eat. Our food is made from 100% human grade meat and is as fresh as you would buy from the supermarket. 

Cats eating a raw diet are no more prone to worms than on any other diet. All cats are prone to worms and should be wormed regularly. 

Cats are designed to eat raw meat and the bacteria found on fresh meat poses no threats to them whatsoever. We recommend that humans treat raw cat food with the same respect and hygiene that you would any raw meat. It is sensible to wash your hands and anything else the meat comes into contact with. 

Cats are also designed to eat bones, they provide essential nutrients. While is possible for a cat to choke on a bone, it is statistically more likely that they would choke on dry food! We always recommend cats are supervised whilst eating regardless of whether you feed bone or not.

NOTE: Cats should NEVER be fed cooked bones as they are brittle and dangerous, and could splinter during digestion. If you are still worried about feeding bone to your cat, start with our 5mm small bites range rather than the 10mm big bites range. 

We freeze our food as soon as it is made and then send it to you frozen. We pack it into insulated poly boxes and the food is fine out of the freezer for a maximum of 72 hours. However, we use overnight couriers so that means the longest it is out of the freezer is 24 hours and the average is about 14 or 15 hours.

If your food defrosts during transit then it is still totally safe, cat’s digestive systems are so efficient that they can cope with food that has been thawed and re-frozen several times without any health risk. We recommend that our food is defrosted overnight in in the fridge and will then be ready to feed the following day(s). 
